Building A More Relevant Brand

Customer expectations are rapidly evolving. The line between B2B and B2C is disappearing with industry disruptors like Amazon, Netflix, and Uber leading the way. Marketers must adjust to stay relevant, finding ways for their brands to more deeply engage customers.

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Our 2025 housing market predictions

Got a Magic 8 ball for the building materials industry? We do, and his name is Sandy Embrescia-Hridel. Our director of strategic insights spends a heavy chunk of his work week reviewing data, statistics and developments so that he can make accurate industry forecasts for our clients. We quizzed him on his predictions for the coming year.

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Made(ish) in America

If you’re a manufacturer of American-made goods, you already know the value of the “Made in America” claim has ebbed and flowed over the past few decades. Recently, however, it seems to be making a comeback. Bill Rossiter, agency owner and principal, discusses Morning Consult’s “Made in America” report and shares how you can leverage the power of Made in the USA on your own homegrown products.

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Make your mark: how we design logos

How does a logo go from an idea to a reality? At Interrupt, it's a time-intensive and thorough process of taking ideas and identifiers then distilling them down to their visual essence. It takes many different brains coming together, fashioning countless iterations, to create something that stands out from the crowd and represents the core of a company. Take a peek inside the process.

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7 tips for successfully navigating a merger or acquisition

So you’re managing a new acquisition. How do you prepare to create one happy family? In our experience guiding c-suite leaders as they navigate the process, we've noticed there is no one-size-fits-all solution. But there are seven critical questions that make the difference between a graceful implementation or a floundering one. Learn how to answer them with confidence and ensure your newly expanded organization can thrive.

What a box of Legos can teach us about the power of built-in branding

As marketers, there’s a lot we can do to build a compelling story around a brand or product. But when users can readily and consistently separate your product from the competition, you’ve got something special. Our Director of Brand Content Jen Molnar explains how a Lego sorting session sparked an ah-ha moment on the importance of developing distinctive (and memorable) physical product features.

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7 Tips for Making the Most of Your Agency Partnership

You’ve put in the company’s time. You’ve devoted the company’s money. So naturally, you want to see a high return on investment in your agency. While a lot depends on choosing the right partner, there are seven things you can do to maximize your relationship and get the most out of the branding, marketing and creative work you commission.

The new, targeted TV landscape—and how not understanding it could cost you wasted ad dollars

In the world of advertising, endings can bring about better beginnings. The decline of cable in favor of streaming means the ability to target TV audiences at a more granular level than ever before. Learn how Connected TV (CTV) and Over The Top television (OTT) give you key advantages when trying to use your ad dollars as wisely as possible.

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are you really growing?

Many companies are increasingly enamored with their earning numbers, reflecting the cocktail of low supply and high demand that’s taken hold recently in the building materials industry. But what are the consequences to your business when you become too content with the status quo? Read on to understand why this thinking is ultimately dangerous to the bottom line.

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How Technology Impacts Customer Engagement

Is technology changing to meet consumers’ evolving needs or are consumers changing as a result of what technology enables? Like the chicken and the egg, it really doesn’t matter which came first. Consumer expectations and technology will keep changing, and if your brand is too chicken to keep up, you may be left with egg on your face (pun intended). Read on to learn why sharpening your digital CX is essential to your business survival.

IBS 2019: Our Key Takeaways

The NAHB International Builders’ Show is always an exciting event for our team and clients and this year was no exception. Garnering the largest attendance in years (topping 100K attendees), the show was jam-packed with impressive exhibits, new innovations and plenty of energy. In this post, you’ll find our collective thoughts and takeaways from the biggest IBS in more 10 years.

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Offering Knowledge and Demonstrating Courage: Takeaways from AIA 2018

After attending the AIA Conference on Architecture 2018, I put together my key takeaways from the show floor. All in all, manufacturers need to take more steps to invest in innovation and conceptual ideas. The brands that do this are standing out amongst the crowd. Also, education is huge but it’s all about providing real knowledge, not product benefits. Make architects understand why these products help them with their projects. Keep reading to find out more.

Captivating Sights and Sounds were the Primary Attention Grabbers at AIA 2018

While walking the AIA 2018 show floor, our Senior Account Executive Emily Johnson appreciated the unique use of product to draw architects in brand booths. Despite the gorgeous aesthetics and interactive activities, the lack of organization around the all-important CEU offering was a major drawback for attendees and the manufacturers who worked hard to draw a less than favorable crowd.