lifecycle management of the modern consumer

A 1924 vehicle wouldn’t carry you very far or very fast in today’s world. The same is true of the once-reliable marketing funnel first introduced in the 20th century.

What was shiny, innovative thinking in the Roaring Twenties is antiquated and impractical heading into 2020. A century’s worth of technological change hasn’t just changed the world around us, it has changed us too.

making the transition

Like other shrewd agencies, the branding and marketing whizzes at Interrupt realize that reaching an audience and convincing them to take action is no longer a once-and-done proposition. In today’s complex media world, marketing now means education, engagement and establishing an ongoing relationship with the consumer. To achieve this, marketers like Interrupt have pulled away from the old linear funnels and transition to full-on customer lifecycle management.

what is lifecycle management?

Aggressive sales tactics are being replaced by kinder, gentler marketing methods like understanding and empathy. Marketing is no longer about forcing consumers to buy something they may or may not want, but rather learning about the consumer and their wants and needs. This softer approach takes time, energy and a dedication to cultivating ongoing relationships with the consumer. Relationship building is the new sales pitch.

race to the top

Julia McCoy of the Content Marketing Institute created a modern, consumer-centered lifecycle chart to help understand and visualize lifecycle management. This chart includes four instructive spokes: Reach, Act, Convert and Engage (RACE). Instead of tightly gripping consumers for a single purpose like the old marketing funnel, lifecycle management is a multi-faceted, free-flowing system based on principles of awareness, interest, loyalty and decision-making.

People of the 21st century are not driven by the marketing tactics of the 20th century. That’s why we at Interrupt have dramatically evolved our marketing plans by adding the complexity necessary to reach today’s consumers. We reach them where they are by way of continuous and optimized engagement throughout the lifecycle. The journey involves Reaching, Acting, Converting, Engaging and then starting the journey all over again. The process can be tedious at times, but the reward is great for both consumer and marketer.

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