the mash

In the distillation process, the mash is where raw ingredients come together for the start of something awesome. Our blog works the same way. We load up the hopper with relevant facts, smart insights and random thoughts, then watch new ideas bubble up.

crystal ball with caption 2025 market trends

Our 2025 housing market predictions

Got a Magic 8 ball for the building materials industry? We do, and his name is Sandy Embrescia-Hridel. Our director of strategic insights spends a heavy chunk of his work week reviewing data, statistics and developments so that he can make accurate industry forecasts for our clients. We quizzed him on his predictions for the coming year.

hand holding phone with four evergreens coming out of it

Social Strategy: 4 Evergreen Rules to Master an Always-Evolving Game

One of the biggest challenges of effective social media management is the constant demand for evolution—changing according to the algorithms, trends and audience demands of every season. But there are four approaches that you can hold on to tight as you and your team gauge what’s working and what isn’t in your 2025 social media management. They’re the steadfast evergreens in a field of fleeting annuals. Read on to learn more.

hand holding two bouquets of flowers with a heart icon above them

What We’re Grateful For

It’s the time of year for gratitude. We gathered our team to share around the virtual Thanksgiving table what they’re most grateful for this year, at work and at home.

house being served on a platter

Deep Dive: Understanding The Housing Crisis

The U.S. housing supply is said to be anywhere from three to five million units short of demand. The ensuing crisis was years in the making—and these recommended articles and podcasts from our team will help expand your understanding of its root causes. Introducing Deep Dive, our newest column, where Interrupt teammates share the resources shaping their industry-related insights and knowledge.

construction worker with hardhat and reflective vest

The Latino audience is the fastest-growing in our industry. How can your brand succeed with them?

Know thy audience—it's a key marketing commandment. And a fast-growing portion of that audience in the United States is Latinos, nearly 20% of the population contributing $3.2 trillion—with a T—to the country’s GDP. Knowing their spending power and inclination towards entrepreneurship, the smartest companies will work to capture this market share by honing a smart strategy. We tell you how.

a number of archery targets set at varying distances

Staying ahead of the demographic shift

Constant evolution isn’t just a luxury in brand management, it’s a requirement; your brand must align with your target demographic’s changing generations, not vice versa. Here, Interrupt’s Executive Creative Director and Brand Strategist Anita Holman explains how brands can evolve their strategy to capture new consumers entering their target demographic and avoid being overtaken by more agile marketers.

man sitting in a chair with his back facing us and a light bulb going off over his head

Three critical questions to ask yourself during strategic planning

Repeat after us: you are not just a manufacturer of products. And one of the best times to remember that is during your strategic planning sessions. Whether you’re a large, multi-billion-dollar corporation or a small business, the way you approach your strategic planning process is crucial to your success. And one of the most important pieces is identifying your real purpose, beyond the product you make. Read on for three critical questions to consider.

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Made(ish) in America

If you’re a manufacturer of American-made goods, you already know the value of the “Made in America” claim has ebbed and flowed over the past few decades. Recently, however, it seems to be making a comeback. Bill Rossiter, agency owner and principal, discusses Morning Consult’s “Made in America” report and shares how you can leverage the power of Made in the USA on your own homegrown products.

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