the mash

In the distillation process, the mash is where raw ingredients come together for the start of something awesome. Our blog works the same way. We load up the hopper with relevant facts, smart insights and random thoughts, then watch new ideas bubble up.


The Power of a Personal Mantra

Personal mantras are typically words or phrases with a positive intent behind them with the goal of giving yourself some motivation or encouragement. In recent years, practicing a positive mindset has become a part of the self-care routines of millions and there’s a reason why. According to a study, researchers found that when participants read positive statements out loud, they experienced a boost in mood. Keep reading and learn how to give it a try.

2020 in Hindsight: What Would You Have Done Differently?

2020 felt a little bit like the plot of Groundhog’s Day – from dealing with the pandemic to being at home more often, it’s taken a toll on all of us. Here at Interrupt, we believe that if you stay true to your core values and create experiences that keep your customers coming back to you time and time again, the upcoming months should be smooth sailing. Read on to hear from our team about what they might’ve done differently last year if they had the knowledge and insights they do now.

The Home Automation Opportunity

Smart home products are everywhere. If your lights aren’t controlled by a simple Alexa request, are you even living? In reality, home automation is on a steep incline. By 2025, the industry is expected to grow by at least $25B. And with big players like Google, Amazon, and Facebook digging their heels in, it’s important to pay attention—especially if you build or sell materials for the home.

2021 Predictions Impacting Our Industry

Sometimes it feels like we’re living the plot of Groundhog’s Day as we battle the ongoing pandemic and its innate instability. But, we believe that if you stay focused on your core values and create an experience that keeps your customers coming back for more, you should sail smoothly through the coming months. Read on to discover our predictions for what will impact us in 2021.

The Place We Call Home…America

The dropping of the ball on New Year’s Eve brought hope for not only a new year but also the anticipation of a new beginning. For most of us, 2020 brought many challenges, pain, and loss. The only certainty was uncertainty. We were all happy to leave 2020 in the rearview mirror.

Leadership Learnings in the Time of COVID

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary leaders and flexible strategies. And where there is chaos or change, there is always opportunity. You can tell a lot about a company and their leadership by observing how they navigate through tough, uncertain, out-of-the-ordinary times.

Transformational Leadership

In these uncertain times, bold leadership is imperative. Now is the time to invest and advance your company’s position in the market. Your leadership approach will have an direct impact on your business’s future success.

I Choose Respect

Current societal struggles require us to come together in new ways—as employees, families, neighborhoods, states and countries. It is imperative that leaders across the board lead with an open mind, understanding and respect.