disrupting the masonry industry with a kick ass campaign

Masons work extremely hard and care about their craft. They deserve a partner that focuses on their needs. We worked with the Echelon team to position Amerimix pre-blended mortar as a reliable product that helps contractors get their jobs done faster.

Oldcastle Sand Pile - digital campaign
construction worker with trowel and mortar working on block wall

the opportunity

Sand piles were weighing masons down, but without a strong story around pre-blended mortar, they didn’t know any other way. Amerimix needed to prove that they understand the challenges contractors face by showing them a product that helps increase jobsite productivity.

our process

After a deep dive into data comparing outputs from the sand pile to pre-blended mortar, we created a compelling story that addressed contractors’ pain points and helped highlight the business benefits of using Amerimix pre-blended mortar.

we delivered

Now, Amerimix is engaging their target audience through a relatable messaging approach and compelling infographics that prove the direct benefits that happen when they ditch the sand pile and switch to pre-blended mortar.

Amerimix ditch the sand pile ad

the amerimix voice

We developed a straightforward, conversational, “i’m gonna tell ya like it is” tone that speaks directly to the mason.

Amerimix ditch the sand pile print ad
Amerimix kick ass service ad
person holding phone with amerimix ad
Amerimix ditch the sand pile web landing page and form
Amerimix conquer your job ad

Personally, I think the ad is pretty f***ing great.

Architectural and Technical Sales Manager at Oldcastle
Amerimix cut labor in half graphic

creating compelling, fact-based content to prove product benefits

We didn’t just tell masons to Ditch the Sand Pile. We showed them why through hard-hitting data and engaging infographics that told the story behind the campaign slogan.

ready to be uncomfortable?

If you're ready to push beyond the status quo, we're ready to get to work.