The Impact of Expertise

Companies in the building materials channel want confidence that what they are investing in strategic marketing will actually work and deliver the business results they are committing to their senior leadership and shareholders.

That’s where the impact of channel expertise comes in. Whether its expertise inside the organization or outside, there is no replacement for its impact on business results. In a recent Interrupt Insight newsletter, I discussed the role of consultative selling from the manufacturer to their customers. Providing business value through expertise (not just a good relationship) is the new expectation of the industry. When you provide the knowledge that leads to incremental business value, that’s the start to creating a sustainable relationship with your customers, making price less of the decision process.

This same concept of expertise is just as true with whom you partner with and how you execute your marketing initiatives. Most advertising agencies understand/work in only one “P” of the 4 Ps of Marketing-Promotion. However, holistic marketing is understanding all 4 Ps (Product, Price, Placement and Promotion), and how they work together to deliver business results. These same agencies also play in several industries, with no deep expertise in any industry. Just because you work on a building material trade ad, doesn’t mean you know the channels and audiences in a comprehensive fashion.

At Interrupt, every day, 24/7 we live deeply in the building products and home improvement channels. The best way to talk about our expertise is to share a comment made by one of our Fortune 500 clients in a strategic planning session

It’s extremely refreshing to work with an agency with the breadth of knowledge you and your team bring to the table. It provides us the confidence that our branding is on target and that we are investing in the core initiatives that will allow us to hit our business goals.

Fortune 500 client

And that’s how Interrupt measures our success, not by creative awards (which we have won numerous), but more so by the business results we help our clients achieve. Whether it’s helping a client grow sales by 37% and winning NAHB’s best marketing program, or activating 300 plus dealers to a client’s product, or helping a client drive double-digit spec share increase – expertise in the building materials channel is what ensures you get results. Are you getting the expertise you need to drive your business results? If not, let's talk to better understand how our expertise helps deliver strategic creative results for our client partners.

More Good Reads

construction worker with hardhat and reflective vest

The Latino audience is the fastest-growing in our industry. How can your brand succeed with them?

Know thy audience—it's a key marketing commandment. And a fast-growing portion of that audience in the United States is Latinos, nearly 20% of the population contributing $3.2 trillion—with a T—to the country’s GDP. Knowing their spending power and inclination towards entrepreneurship, the smartest companies will work to capture this market share by honing a smart strategy. We tell you how.