the mash

In the distillation process, the mash is where raw ingredients come together for the start of something awesome. Our blog works the same way. We load up the hopper with relevant facts, smart insights and random thoughts, then watch new ideas bubble up.

hand holding phone with four evergreens coming out of it

Social Strategy: 4 Evergreen Rules to Master an Always-Evolving Game

One of the biggest challenges of effective social media management is the constant demand for evolution—changing according to the algorithms, trends and audience demands of every season. But there are four approaches that you can hold on to tight as you and your team gauge what’s working and what isn’t in your 2025 social media management. They’re the steadfast evergreens in a field of fleeting annuals. Read on to learn more.

phone being served up on a platter with a heart icon

your content doesn't suck, the algorithm does

You’ve hired the right team. You’ve invested in a social strategy. Yet you’re still not seeing the results you want on TikTok, the current king of social channels. According to our in-house social media guru Hayley Kandik, it’s not you, it's the algorithm. Don’t be discouraged—with a few small tweaks, you can press forward with creating an identity for your brand on TikTok that serves both your goals and your audience.