the mash

In the distillation process, the mash is where raw ingredients come together for the start of something awesome. Our blog works the same way. We load up the hopper with relevant facts, smart insights and random thoughts, then watch new ideas bubble up.

business man jumping across a canyon with a helping hand coming from below

Mentorship in the Moment

Mentorship efforts in many companies can look like rigid and formal programs. While those efforts are important, for a game-changing effect, you need to embed mentorship into your culture and the way your team relates to each other. Here, Agency Principal Bill Rossiter’s reviews the do's and don’ts of effective mentorship.

person sitting in a chair reading a road map

There's no instruction manual for this: navigating your first job

Fresh to the creative team, Graphic Designer Hayley Kandik feels there’s a thing or two they don’t teach you in college. So, in the interest of supporting other young design professionals, she’s presenting a list of things they don’t teach you in college, an incomplete compilation that nevertheless will get new grads and established career professionals alike thinking about how to improve onboarding and mentorship processes for first-year professionals.